Monday, December 10, 2007

Bomb Scare at New Line Cinema 10.5.07

Wow, I almost forgot about this. Back in early October, my job had a bomb scare at our office on Robertson Blvd. The LAPD Bomb Squad was called in to x-ray and examine a suspicious package that was address the President of Development and Production Toby Emmerich. They shut down Robertson from Alden to Beverly. Despite the seriousness of the situation, my co-workers and I made light of it all. Oh, there was no bomb in the suspicious package just plastic body parts. Weird! Anyways, the first pic is of my co-worker Daniel posing in front the bomb squad SUV. The other pic is of my co-worker Kristi and I and our surprised/scared reaction learning that there's a possible bomb in the Oh my!

Here's some videos of that day. Check it out.

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